After the items we've mentioned last year, here's our new-found favorite munches:
1. Not the Philosopher

*Price: ₱46.00 (big size)
Get a sweet dose of potassium at Saba Republic. Their shakes are made out of plaintains. You can have it paired with another fruit. Combinations I like are Banana Buko and Banana Mango. You can also have it plain. Either way, it's refreshing up to the last slurp!
*Price range: ₱39 to ₱55
3. Mochi Mochi

*Price range: ₱15 to ₱25 for pon-de-balls
₱29 to ₱39 for pon-de-rings
Will keep you posted for more snacks to attack!
Plato Wraps - 2F Main Bldg., SM North Edsa, Quezon City
Saba Republic - Lower Ground Floor, Food Court, Bldg. A, SM Megamall, Mandaluyong CityGavino's - Lower Ground Floor, Landmark, TriNoma, Quezon City