Saturday, April 6, 2013

On Being Holy

At Monasterio de Santa Clara in Quezon City
I am not a very religious person but I do observe some traditions associated with my family's faith. Last March marked this year's Lenten season. Annually, my family and I would go to churches and pray. Primarily to atone one's sins and ask for forgiveness.

Mom & cousin Balu at St. Francis of
Assissi in Mandaluyong City
We were able to visit quite a number of churches and parishes during the Holy Week. Frankly, it's not how many you get to visit but how you immerse yourself in the experience and have your spiritual self be 'cleansed' and 'fed'. Well, that's just my opinion.

I consider this time to reflect on the things that happened, so far, in my life. How I reacted to some of my past misgivings or errors made.

Basically, this is when I make a promise or resolution to try and better myself. I'm also with my family when I do this so that's a plus factor.

Maybe this quote can sum up my prayers: 'Whatever I have in mind Lord, I surrender them to You. I will do the best I can but in the end, let Your will be done. Amen.'


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