Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bonding Time

Martha decided to treat me to an afternoon of carefree, relaxing, and fun time. She said it's her birthday gift to me. It was also a time for us to get ideas for or finalize blog entries. We headed to a nearby mall where we spent quite a bit of time sampling make-ups, trying on dresses and shoes. Shopping is never more fun when you're with a good friend, luckily that's also my sister.

L-R: Martha can't seem to find the right blush; Me deciding if I should buy the shoe (I didn't)
With curious looks from other shoppers and nice enough sales ladies we got to take some pictures for our site. Although Martha didn't get to buy anything ('What outrageous prices!'), I took home a cool, gray hoodie. And after grabbing something to eat we finally called it a day.

I squeezed three blog posts for that outing alone. Time well spent, don't you think? ;)


1 comment:

Martha said...


Time is always well spent with you, big sis! :)