Winter is probably over in some countries but that didn't stop Frozen from taking the world by storm.
There are several factors that make Frozen one of the highest-grossing films. First off, the animation is truly amazing. They showcase snow in lots of stunning ways possible. Second, the story breaks away from conventional fairy tale films. It's not about the damsel-in-distress in need of a prince charming. It sets a new and valuable lesson: You can be your own hero. Last and probably the biggest factor of all is the music. It heightens the charming and magical appeal of the film.
I commend Disney for their ability to produce a heart-warming story transition in just a matter of seconds. "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" did just that. "For the First Time in Forever" is sang so well by the talented Kristen Bell it captures Anna's sentiments perfectly. "Love is an Open Door" is a cute and unique duet (You'll see why in the latter part of the movie. Don't want to spoil ya.). Even the short lullaby "Reindeers Are Better Than People" is sang nicely and warmly by Jonathan Groff. Of course, who could forget Idina Menzel's "Let It Go"? Who else out there is guilty of memorizing the lyrics with matching actions? Haha. It's my favorite musical scene in the film followed by the trolls' adorable performance in "Fixer Upper".
I can't think of anyone not enjoying this movie! I was transformed into a little girl as I watched the entire thing, awestruck and giddy. I just love it. Thank you, Disney!
Okay, bye. :)
Okay, bye. :)